Thursday, April 15, 2010

Falling Water & UVA 4/12/10- Environmental Design 102

It was really thrilling to see falling water. It better suited the styles and personalities of me and my classmates, probably because it is a more recent model of contemporary architecture and the nature and serenity hit us as soon as we stepped onto the site of Falling Water. Again Frank Lloyd Wright was a very inspiring designer and He began a lot of new ideas about materials, structure and a sense of home. Wright main focus was connecting nature with interiors and this great example, it is clearly expressed. Falling Water is certainly a place each of us could see ourselves living, relaxing and enjoying.

The University of Virginia was a stop on our list as the bus made it's way from state to state. Also having been designed and begun by Thomas Jefferson, UVA started as a small college in a small, beautiful town and now has grown to a very historic, famous example of the importance of education reinforced through architecture.

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